Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Blog

Hey family and all! Yes I too decided I needed to get into the blog site. I have this fear though that I'll over blog and write so much that no one will be able to read it. It will be one of those things that people think oh this is long I'll read it later and then they never come back to it. I know I've done that before.
I doubt my blogs will be as interesting as Jeff's or Mike's but I'm sure I'll have my good days. :)
So about us for the moment. Tyler and I just got a really cute little baby bunny. Her name is Cassy. I'll include a few videos of her, they're a little dark but you can still see her pretty well.
I'll write more later I suppose. Toodles!

1 comment:

Annie and Berkeley said...

hey Melissa and Tyler! I am glad you entered the blogging world! Cute bunny!